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Seminar & Conference

Ed Smith,Director of Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies ( APCSS), and three of his colleagues visited SIIS Ed Smith,Director of Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies ( APCSS), and three of his colleagues visited SIIS and t
Yao Wen of Political Department of China’s Embassy in Thailand visited SIIS Yao Wen of Political Department of China’s Embassy in Thailand visited SIIS and talked with SIIS President Yang J
Professor Zhang Ruizhuang, President of Institute for International Studies and Director of Center for American Studies of Nank Professor Zhang Ruizhuang, President of Institute for International Studies and Director of Center for American Studies
SIIS held a series of lectures on Latin American issues SIIS held a series of lectures on Latin American issues. Former ambassadors Wu Changsheng, Shen Yun’ao, Huang Shi
Avery Goldstein, Professor of political science at University of Pennsylvania, visited SIIS Avery Goldstein, Professor of political science at University of Pennsylvania, visited SIIS and talked with SIIS Vice P
Bernard Gwertzman, accompanied by America’s former embassy to Nepal Ms. Zhang Zhixiang, visited SIIS Bernard Gwertzman, accompanied by America’s former embassy to Nepal Ms. Zhang Zhixiang, visited SIIS and talked w
Professor Kim Richard Nossal of Queen’s University, accompanied by officials of Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office, visited SIIS Professor Kim Richard Nossal of Queen’s University, accompanied by officials of Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office,
Zhou Muyao, Director of Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, visited SIIS Zhou Muyao, former Vice Mayor of Shanghai, former Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal People"s Congress Standing Comm
Prof. Shen Dingli, Executive Vice President of Institute for International Studies,visited SIIS Prof. Shen Dingli, Executive Vice President of Institute for International Studies, Director of American Studies Center
A 14 member-Group of speakers of American state house representatives visited SIIS A 14 member-Group of speakers of American state house representatives visited SIIS and talked with SIIS President Yang
HAN Tae-Kyu,Director of Jeju Peace Institute, and two of his colleagues visited SIIS HAN Tae-Kyu,Director of Jeju Peace Institute, and two of his colleagues visited SIIS. They talked with SIIS Vice Presi